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Growing Annual Flowers
Annual flowers can accent and enliven a home's landscape. While flowering trees and shrubs provide short bursts of color, most annuals begin blooming within a month of planting and flower until frost. The wide range of colors, sizes and species adapted to either sun or shade makes it possible to plant annual flowers almost anywhere. Annuals are perfect for beds, borders, rock gardens, window boxes, hanging baskets or as temporary ground covers and fillers.

Beginning a Vegetable Garden
You can grow vegetables even when living in an apartment. Simply buy 4' pots and window boxes to get started.

Why Not Plant a Tree.
Trees are air cleaners, providers of shade and wildlife magnets.

Create Focal Point
Birdhouses create easy, fun focal points.
Please send us an e-mail for any questions. more@roseflowers.com

Visit your local nursery
Your local nursery is a great source of plant information.

Order Now!
A great selection of plants, flowers, trees or shrubs. http://www.roseflowers.com/orderform.html